When the lovely Jo from ' my attic library ' asked for bloggers to write guest posts to share great female writers for a series t...

#Feminist February Guest Post

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 BookBairn 1 Comments

When the lovely Jo from 'my attic library' asked for bloggers to write guest posts to share great female writers for a series titled 'Feminist February' I absolutely had to join in! You may have read our recent 'Little Feminist Book Club' posts so you will know that I am passionate about finding and sharing books starring mighty girls to be role models to the next generation of little feminists. Too many picture books feature only boys, or silent girls and this has to change. And it is. But parents are still struggling to find these books on the library and bookshop shelves.

Male characters are twice as likely to take leading roles in children’s picture books according to recent research by the Observer newspaper. Not only that male characters were given more speaking parts, were portrayed in more masculine roles and, shockingly, in a fifth of books (of the top 100 sellers in 2017) there were no female characters at all.

And so in walks “Ada Twist, Scientist” and “Rosie Revere, Engineer” by Andrea Beaty and illustrated by David Roberts.

To read more check out the post on Jo's blog by clicking here.

Happy reading and raising little feminists,
Mummy and the bairns

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