Spaghetti Hunters Blog Tour

You may have read in one of
my recent posts that I decided I was no longer doing blog tours. Yup! No more. However...
I couldn't resist this one! We adore all of Morag Hood's books! So I wasn't going to turn this one down. In fact, it was featured
in my Exciting Upcoming Picture Book post and we have certainly really enjoyed reading it!
I knew from the premise of this one it was going to be laugh out loud funny and the bairns really do enjoy this one and we've read it several times. It tells the story of Duck who has lost his spaghetti. It has vanished. But never fear, Tiny Horse has a plan to save the day. But what exactly do you bring on a spaghetti hunt? And this is where things get interesting and the bairns start shouting at the book "no, silly Tiny Horse!!" Tiny Horse wisely and without hesitation packs a spade, a fishing rod, a jar of peanut butter, cutlery (I mean these might actually be useful) and some binoculars - obviously! Cue: hysterical laughter from the bairns.
Together they search far and wide but all they come up with as worms, a ball of string and even a snake. But no spaghetti! Disaster! So Duck decides it's probably better to consult his recipe book and gathers flour, eggs and a pasta maker and sets about making his own spaghetti. But does Tiny Horse approve?
This really is a laugh out loud caper that on the surface may seem like just a silly story but it actually opens questions about where our food comes from and encourages home cooking too!
Brimming with wit and dry humour as well as lots of fun and Morag's typical simple-but-not-simplistic illustrations (how she gets across all those character expressions in such simple lines and colours is beyond me!), this is such a superb read!
As are all her books! I really could not choose a favourite as all have held high places in our hearts!
When Grandad Was a Penguin - we changed the words to when Papa was a Penguin and BookBairn enjoyed reading this over and over when she was about 2-3.
Colin and Lee Carrot and Pea - one of the first books that we heard BookBairn read aloud to us because we read it so many times she had memorised it.
I am Bat - without a doubt, this was The Wee Page Turner's first favourite book. Also gave us that comical moment when something upset BookBairn (I can't remember what) and she declared: "I will never be happy again!" - a quote from this book.
Aalfred and Aalbert - read this on the tram into and from Edinburgh when going to and fro an Edinburgh Book Festival event - so probably about 8 times on repeat! Making it the most read book in one session!
The Steves - because who doesn't love a puffin?!
Brenda is a Sheep - because... I'm running out of book connections, so we love this one because it's just blooming great!
Morag has kindly shared some activities and resources for download which I have linked below (click on the images to find the links) And if you want to stop off on one of the other blogs on the tour I've popped that banner below so you can find all the awesome content about this newest release!
Happy reading!
Kim and the bairns x
Disclaimer: This book was sent by the publisher for review. Words and opinions are my own. Please read our Review Policy if you want to know more. If you click on the image of the book below you will be sent to using an affiliate link. This means that if you choose to purchase on, I will receive a small sum (around 20-90p per book) from Amazon at no extra cost to you. I understand that you may not want to use an affiliate link, but if you like reading our blog post please just think of it as a small tip for a tip-off to an awesome book. And know that your support means I can buy more books! For more information check out our For Readers Section.