Book Giving Day 2019

Today is Valentine's Day and it's a lovely day for sharing a wonderful book with your little ones to show how much you love them and I've got a great list of those here for you (they are perfect any day of the year!). But it's also Book Giving Day meaning it's a wonderful day to share books with other children too - perhaps with children who need them more than you do. There are still some shocking statistics about the number of children who don't have access to books at home. 

In the past to celebrate Book Giving Day, we have held a book treasure hunt in our town hiding books all over local parks etc for little ones to find and enjoy but this year I'm making a concerted effort to reduce the amount of plastic that we use so I didn't want to wrap the books in plastic to keep them safe from the damp Scottish conditions. So I decided against doing that this year. And last year I did ten days of competitions on my social media feeds giving away lots of books in collaboration with publishers. But that takes a lot of organisation and quite honestly I didn't have time to do that this year. Perhaps later in the year?!

So when a friend of mine told the nursery staff at BookBairn's nursery about my book excess they very politely asked if I had any that I could donate for the World Book Day plans next month. And of course I said yes. As regular readers know, we are fortunate to get sent lots of books from publishers, and whilst I tend to keep most of the books we request and ones that we are asked in advance if we would like posted we often get unsolicited books too. We just can't store them all - I'm currently at a rate of more than a book a day so far this year. We live in a cottage - there is only so much shelf space! So it's nice to be able to share our book wealth!

Since BookBairn's nursery is on half-term holidays today we handed the books in earlier this week - about 40 so far (I had donated a large bundle for the Christmas Toy Drive in December so you can see we collect quite a few in a short space of time) and I intend to drop books in on a more regular basis. We also dropped off a dozen board books to The Wee Page Turner's nursery as these were better suited to the baby room than the older bairns at BookBairn's nursery.

And it felt really good to share! Firstly I am having a purge of stuff from our house following watching the Marie Kondo programme on Netflix and reading her book and I love nothing better than a good declutter. And I really have sorted the bookshelves too! And also because I know that those books, which go unread on our still over-stuffed bookshelves, will be read and enjoyed by lots of other children as well as my own. 

If you want to know more about Book Giving Day check out their website for details and have a look on Twitter on @BookGivingDay as well as the hashtag #bookgivingday for inspiration.

Happy Book Giving!
Kim and the bairns xx


  1. “Sharing is caring” as one of the Care Bears (remember them) once said.
