Picture Books for Grown Ups

A wee while ago the lovely Steph from 'A Little But A Lot' invited me to write a guest post for her blog and I was absolutely delighted to join in! Steph's blog has lots of great book reviews for readers of all genres - picture books, Middle Grade, YA and grown up books too, as well as great teaching ideas and insights.

So I thought I would write a little post about my (not so secret) passion for picture books! But I wanted to take the opportunity to write about some of the picture books that I adore but don't really fit in with the sort of books that I generally write about here on BookBairn, and that's because they are picture books for grown ups! Now that's not to say that these books don't or won't appeal to younger readers but BookBairn definitely isn't ready for these yet and as I only share her favourite books on here I jumped at the chance to write about them. Pop over to Steph's blog using the link below to read about three of my favourites:

And if you like this sort of blog post it would be great to get some feedback, I really do love picture books as much as BookBairn does and would be happy to share more of my favourites (ones that she is not so keen on or not 'grown into' yet) if you would be interested in reading them!


  1. I LOVE getting to know picture books that are geared toward adults! And THE FOX AMD THE STAR is a perfect example!

    1. Have you read it Mel? It's now one of my all time favourite books! I just adore it!

  2. I suppose it's probably a graphic novel more than a picture book but I love The Night Bookmobile by Audrey Niffenegger which you gave me several years ago

    1. Ooooo yes! I must borrow that from you for a wee re-read!

  3. I'm not sure I've ever read a picture book for grown ups so I must have a look at the ones you reviewed.

    1. They are in study if you need some bedtime reading that's not too demanding!
