Baby Book Group

We are lucky to know lots of lovely mums (and dads) and babies who love reading stories as much as we do. We are also lucky that out local library holds regular Bookbug sessions where we can all get together to sing and read with our wee bookbairns. Having chatted with like-minded mums we decided to start our own baby book group that would be an informal monthly meeting to sing and read with our wee readers and have a coffee and a chat afterwards. As most new mums will know, the chat afterwards is one of the most valuable parts of these baby social groups, allowing us to chat about everything from nappies to car seats, from teething to returning to work and as long as the lucky ones avoid mentioning their 'sleep through the night' babies, it is a valuable support network.

We hosted our first meeting yesterday and BookBairn and I had lots of fun. The lovely Miffy team sent us some goodies for hosting a 'Miffy's Birthday' party which was wonderful as it meant every bookbairn got a wee Miffy goodie bag to take away and we all had a copy of the story to read. BookBairn, typically, was napping as people arrived and we had to rouse her from her nap so she could fulfill her hosting obligations!

We started off by singing a hello song, followed by a few Scots nursery rhymes in order to celebrate Robert Burns night which is on Monday. Between the mums, we managed to remember the words and the tunes so we were doing quite well! We also sang a few rabbity tunes to get us in the spirit for our Miffy themed party. We all read the story of 'Miffy's Birthday' with our little ones tucked in our laps and then had a great fun with the stretchy fabric bouncing our favourite nursery rhyme characters around on top of it and singing some nursery rhymes to go with it! Afterwards, we tucked into some panettone and cups of tea for the mums and carrot sticks and sippy cups for the bookbairns. It was lovely to see all the children socialising together and flipping through pages of the books/chewing the edges. The balloons were also great entertainment and were also chewed upon. Think most of these babies are discovering the world through their mouths at the moment, but we can't blame them for getting their teeth into a good book, can we? The only downside to us having so much fun was that I forgot to get lots of photos of the bookbairns in action!

BookBairn had a wonderful morning, and was thrilled to be left with a house full of balloons after we said goodbye to all her wee friends! All the excitement was probably a bit much for her though, as she had a huge nap in the afternoon of almost two and a half hours (I know I said don't mention sleep but I couldn't help it!). Thank you so much everyone who came along, and to those who couldn't make it this time too. We are looking forward to next month's session and getting to enjoy lots of our favourite people alongside our favourite stories and songs all in one place.

Thank you for a lovely morning, Mummy and BookBairn xx

***You and your bookbairn needn't miss out just because you missed our meet-up! We have two Miff party bags to give away! If you would like to win a copy of 'Miffy's Birthday' by Dick Bruna in a lovely Miffy book tote as well as a few wee goodies, please comment below. (Additional entries will be available so keep an eye out by following us on twitter and on facebook.) UK residents only please. Competition closes 1.2.16.*** Good luck! Mummy and BookBairn

UPDATE - Competition is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! Mummy and BookBairn x


  1. Congratulations on a Successful Baby Book Club! Can't wait to hear about all the adventures you guys will have (and hear about what books you are reading). Your friends at Kaelyn's Book Club!

  2. Replies
    1. And Miffy's Birthday features her Gma and Gpa!

  3. Looks like lots of fun! Wish we were closer! Xx

    1. Wish you were closer too hun! Maybe you could have an offshoot in Edinburgh? Still can't believe your wee man is one! Time flies! xx
